In the Time & Activity Report, and in other places you may see the terms Active time, Neutral time, and Idle time. If you are not clear on what they mean, please follow the rest of the article.

Active Time and Neutral Time

In Apploye, the Productive time is called "Active" time, and the Non-Productive time is called "Neutral" time. Active time means there is some activity (mouse or keyboard activity) during this time.

So, if there is any activity, that is considered Active time. Meanwhile, if there is no activity, that will be Neutral time.

Idle Time

For Idle time, it needs to be enabled first from the Settings. To learn more about what each idle time options do, please go through this article: Idle Time Overview. You can change the Idle time detection period from there as well (minimum 5 minutes).

When neutral time goes beyond the Idle time detection period (default is 5 minutes) at a time, that will also be considered idle time. That means, if there are no activities for more than the Idle time period (5 minutes by default), this time will be marked as Idle time.

All Idle time is included in Neutral time. But, Neutral time that isn't more than 5 minutes (at a stretch) isn't considered Idle time.

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