As a team manager, you won't be able to create your team or add more members to the team. To do that please ask an admin to set these up for you.

As an admin, learn how to create & edit teams.

Setting up the team

Checking team members

To know which teams are assigned to you, Go to the "Teams" section. You can click on a team to know who are the members of that team.

Assign the projects

Firstly, you have to assign the projects (if not assigned already) to your team. You can assign projects to all the members by clicking on the "+ Assign a project" button.

You can also go to Project>Edit Project (from Actions) and add team/members to that project.

You can also assign projects to an individual team member from the Members section.

Editing Projects & Assigning tasks

To edit any project, go to Project>Edit Project. You can update the information about that project.

You can create tasks from here (Under "Add Tasks") or from the Tasks section. Then, assign the tasks to the team members.

Members can also create their own individual tasks from the desktop app or the web app. So, you don't have to create all the tasks yourself.

To edit the Project Billing or Budget, you will need to permit yourself to manage that project.

If you permit yourself to View the Report, you can check the Project Details.

Checking member data:

As the team manager, you can check the Timesheet and Reports of your team members. You can also check screenshots, Apps & URLs from the RemoteTrack section.

Remember to select the member from the top, otherwise, it'll show your own data.


You can also check the clock in/out data for the team members. Go to Attendance>Clock In/Out to check that.


You can turn on/off tracking for the team members, in settings. You can also manage timesheet approval and other settings as well. Â