Go to Settings > Activity to access Activity Settings.

You change the tracking settings for your whole organization, from here.

Using the Screenshot Tracking toggle switch, you can turn off screenshots for your whole organization. In that case, you'll still access to other parts of the RemoteTrack features, i.e. Apps, URLs tracking and activity percentage, but the screenshots will be disabled.

Under that, you should also see option to change the Screenshots Frequency. By default, Apploye takes 1 screenshot per 10 minutes. But from here, you can change the rate of screenshots to let Apploye take up to 3 screenshots per 10 minutes.

Below that you'll see option to allow/disallow users to Delete Screenshot. If you disable this option, your employees won't be able to delete their screenshots anymore.

You'll also see the option to stop taking permission for Instant screenshot. When you turn this off, employees won't need to give permission for Instant screenshots. Screenshots will be taken silently.

Here, you'll also get the option for Idle time. You can set an idle time detection period, with or without notifying the members.

In the bottom portion of Activity Settings, you can Disable tracking for any Individual Member. If you do that, all of the RemoteTrack features will be disabled for that person. There won't be any Screenshots, URL, Apps or activity tracking for that individual.

If you have any other queries, send an email here: support@apploye.com