With our new clock in/out feature, users will be automatically clocked in when the tracker starts and automatically clocked out when the timer stops at the end of the day. Users won't have to do any extra work. Simply track the time from the desktop app and clock-in and clock-out times will be automatically calculated.

It’s calculated after the day ends. So, you won’t be able to see today’s clock-in/out time (since the day hasn't yet ended). But you can see any of the previous days’ Clock In/Out time. Clock Out time will be updated at midnight.


  • Time Worked shows the total time a user has worked (in timesheets), not the difference in time between Clock-in and clock-out. So, if someone took breaks and stopped the timer during that work period, work time would be less than the total time between the clock in and clock out.  
  • Employees who didn't work that day won't show any time.
  • If your employees are using Geofence clock in, from the mobile app, you can check that under Field Services> Geofence Clock In/Out section.

Still, have any queries? Reach out to us here: Support@apploye.com. Keep using Apploye, Thanks!! 🥳