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per user/month

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Remote & Hybrid


per user/month

Try Free For 10 Days

Time Tracking

Online/Offline Time Tracking

Track Time On Projects & Tasks

Manual Time Entry

Timesheet - (Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Custom)

Timesheet Delete

Time Entry Notes

Clock In/Out

Idle Time

Pomodoro Timer

Timesheet Approval

Weekly Time Limit

Chrome Extension

Task Management

Create & Assign Task

Project-Wise & Assignee-Wise View

Task-Wise Time Log

Live Feed

Real Time View of Who is Active

Latest Timer Start Time

Real-Time Screenshot

Permission for Real Time Screenshot

Take Silent Screenshot

Projects & Budgeting

Task Management

Project Management

Project Budget & Billing

Project Budget Alerts

Project Manager Role

Project Hourly & Fixed Fee Billing

Project Progress Report & Cost Graph

Keep Track of Project Based on Client

Client Access


Bill Client Based on Projects

Client & Invoice

Create Client Profile

Active & Archive View

Add, Edit, Archive, & Delete Client Profile

Assign Project To A Client

Invoice For Fixed Fee Project Or Hours Worked

Status-Wise Summary View

Quick Action-Edit, Close Or Delete Invoice

Invoice For Selling Service Or Product

Tax & Discount

Preview Before Sending

Download, Print, Or Send Invoice Via Email

Reporting & Dashboard

Graph & Tabular View

Personal View

Weekly Overview of Your Organization

Top Assigned Projects

Ongoing Tasks

Total Work Hours During The Week

Most Hours Logged Project Report

Weekly Timesheet View

Team Members Ranking on Time Logged

Team Members Ranking on Activity

Average Activity Analytics During The Week

Most Project Activity

Daily Average Activity

Daily Time Logged

Manual Time Entry

Customize Date Range to View



Project & Member Wise View

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Schedule

Task Wise Schedule

Schedule Notification

Google Calendar Like Schedule View

Repeating Schedules

Desktop App

Windows, macOS & Linux

Organization Change

Automatic Time Tracking

Create and Complete Tasks

Idle Time Management

Pomodoro Timer

Launch At Startup

Screenshot Alert

Dark Mode

Message Alert Tone

Mobile App

Android App

iOS App

Track Time On Projects & Tasks

Employee GPS Tracking

Apps & Devices




Chrome Extension





Team & Admin (Team, Settings, Profile, Organization)

Add Multiple Organizations

Organization Customization

Admin Access

Multiple Admin Access

Activity Settings

Manual Time Settings

User Profile Settings

Manage Plans

Create Teams & Departments

Team Manager Access

Payroll & Members

Invite Members

Remove Members

Edit Member Profile

Set Pay Rate & Bill Rate

Project, Assignee & Date Wise View

Payroll Based On Hourly Pay Rate

Send Fixed Payment

Payment History

Attendance & Leaves


Date & Memberwise View

Create Shift & Set Duration

Daily Summary

Yearly Color-Coded Summary

Edit & Delete Shift

Color-Coded Attendance Status

Shift Clock In-Clock Out

Apply For Leaves & Leave Notes

Accept Or Decline Leaves

Leave Types

GPS Track - For Field Employees

Employee GPS Location Monitoring

Track Time On Job Location

Project & Memeber Wise Location View

Google Map View

Location Notes

Remote Track - Employee Monitoring

Optional Screenshots

Set Screenshot Frequency

Delete Screenshot

Disable Screenshot Delete Permission

Apps Usage Tracking

URL Usage Tracking

Activity & Engagement Analytics

Desktop Monitoring

Turn On/Off Tracking for Individual Member

Book a demo with our experts

Loved by customers and recognized among online communities

4.9 star rated time tracking software
apploye 4.9 rating at crozdesk
apploye 4.9 rating at G2

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you track keystrokes?

We just count the keystrokes for activity calculation. We do not track any data from the key pressed.

Can I plan for an extensive team?

Yes, you may. If you have more than 300 members, please contact us for further negotiation.

Do you provide a refund facility?

Yes, we do. For getting a refund, please let us know before the first 30 days. You won’t be refunded after the time limit mentioned above.

Can I send an invitation to my clients?

Sure, you can invite clients as much as you want without any bill or charge.

Can I get a demo?

Please click here to get our demo page.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?

We use Paddle for our payment gateway.

How can I get support for any problem from the Apploye team?

You can contact us through support@apploye.com or use the chat option to get support.