Need to know before hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant in 2024

Need to know before hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant in 2024
Social Media Virtual Assistant

If you are a small business owner, you know the importance of the social media presence of your business. Social media helps your brand to get more exposure, increase sales, generate leads, and more. You are actively working on improving your brand’s presence on social media.

But have you ever thought about how much time you are spending on social media?

Maybe you aren’t!

Spending time on your business social profiles is a waste of time, and you can save this time. As a business owner, you have other essential tasks to accomplish for your business growth. On the other hand, hiring a full-time social media manager is costly.

Now, you can ask me how you can manage social business profiles, create content, create brand awareness, and post updates regularly then?

In that case, you might be familiar with the term virtual assistant. So you can hire a social media virtual assistant who is an expert in social media management and creates brand awareness through social media.

This article will discuss everything you need to know before hiring a social media virtual assistant. Let’s get started!

This Article Contains:

  1. What is a Social Media Virtual Assistant?
  2. What does a Social Media Virtual Assistant do?
  3. How to hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?
  4. Why Should You Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?
  5. How to Manage Social Media Virtual Assistant?
  6. Conclusion

What is a Social Media Virtual Assistant?

A social media virtual assistant is someone who can manage all of your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and many more. Social Media Virtual Assistant works from a remote location and provides you with all the services related to social media.

A social media virtual assistant can do everything like a social media manager. You can name his or her position in your company as a social media manager, social media coordinator, digital media assistant, social media assistant, social media consultant, and social media director.

What does a Social Media Virtual Assistant do?

You may need a social presence to grow your business, but posting social media content is time-consuming. A social media virtual assistant can do everything related to social media under your supervision. Here are some tasks social media VA can do for you and save you time.

  1. Create and set up your social network profile
  2. Research content for social media
  3. Creating and scheduling social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and others
  4. Manage, and create content for Facebook groups, and Collect Leads from Facebook Groups by using a tool like Groupboss.
  5. Managing Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest post
  6. Create and monitor Facebook Ads
  7. Identifying and interacting with your targeted audience
  8. Responding to Social Media Messages
  9. Designing Social Media Graphics
  10. Upload Videos on YouTube

So hire a social media VA delegate all the social media-related tasks that you have, and make yourself free from social media to use this time for your business growth.

Now, maybe you have a question in your mind about how to hire a social media virtual assistant.

No worries!

Now I will tell you how you can hire a social media VA and why you should hire a social media VA.

How to Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?

Before hiring a social media VA, maybe you think of the right place to hire a social media virtual assistant.
In that case, first of all, you need to decide the way you want to hire a social media virtual assistant. You can hire a virtual assistant in two ways, hire a virtual assistant from an agency or hire an individual virtual assistant.

Hire an Individual Virtual Assistant

You can hire an individual virtual assistant from the social community or popular freelance job boards.

There are many Facebook communities like Global Virtual Assistants and Virtual Assistant Jobs. If you are active on Facebook, you can post your requirements there and get tons of applications. You can sort out all the applications and take interviews to determine who is the best for you.

Also, you can post your requirements to Slack communities like the WWR community and others.

If you are not active in the social community, that’s not a big issue. There are many freelance platforms to hire a social media virtual assistant.

Let’s have a look at popular freelance websites for social media virtual assistants.


Upwork, for hiring social media VA

Upwork is one of the most popular freelance platforms. You can hire a social media virtual assistant from here. Along with social media virtual assistant if you need any other virtual assistant services like SEO, content writing, graphic design, marketing & sales, and more. You can hire highly talented freelancers for your business, and they are well experienced to get your task done.


Freelancer, for hiring social media VA

Freelancer is another big freelance job site where you can hire a social media virtual assistant. You can hire a virtual assistant based on skill or location. So post your job and get bids from virtual assistants or freelancers.


Fiverr, for hiring social media VA

Fiverr is a very well-known freelance marketplace for both freelancers and business owners. You can find a social media virtual assistant on Fiverr to hire to manage your social media profile. You can outsource other services like logo design, web design, content writing, and many more.

Hire a Virtual Assistant from the Agency

Finding a talented, reliable virtual assistant is hard, but you don’t need to think about the hiring process when you hire a virtual assistant from an agency. A social media virtual assistant from the agency is well-prepared and experienced to get your tasks done.

You just need to find out the best agency to hire a virtual assistant. Suppose you are looking to hire a social media virtual assistant from the agency at a lower cost. In that case, I recommend hiring from virtual assistant in India or a virtual assistant Philippines.

Let’s take a look at some best virtual assistant agencies to hire social media VA.

Time Etc.

Time Etc homepage, for hiring social media VA

Look no further, Time Etc. can be your virtual assistant for all things social media and content marketing. With their team of expert virtual assistants, they can help you craft compelling social media posts, write engaging articles and content, research content ideas, create eye-catching email campaigns, and design effective marketing and sales materials to help you connect with your target audience.


VA staffer, for hiring social media VA

Wishup offers a Social Media Virtual Assistant service to people and businesses to improve their social media presence. They manage social media channels, research trends, and create engaging blogs, posts, and videos that are optimized for search engines.

Their social media virtual assistant team schedules content regularly to keep your followers engaged and assists with large projects, events, and community management. They are also open to analyzing and reporting audience demographics and success rates and suggest new concepts to keep your audience captivated.

VA Staffer

VA staffer, for hiring social media VA

VA Staffer is a virtual assistant agency located in the Philippines. Social media management is one of their core virtual assistant services. As a business owner, if you are looking to outsource social media VA from the Philippines.

You can learn more about their virtual assistant service.

Wing Assistant

VA staffer, for hiring social media VA

Wing Assistant offers a Social Media Assistant as your very own dedicated team member to help grow your business. They have a skilled assistant who takes care of content creation and scheduling.

They can manage your community, and handle direct messages, comments, and content moderation, ensuring that your audience is always engaged. Their team can even help with influencer outreach for collaboration, bringing new opportunities to your business.


Upwork, for hiring social media VA

Taskbullet is a USA-based virtual assistant company and also their office in the Philippines. They provide virtual assistant services such as data entry, admin support, social media management, real estate, sales assistance, marketing services, and more.

Let’s take a look at their social media virtual assistant service in detail.

Virtual Coworker

Virtual coworker, for hiring social media VA

The headquarters of a virtual coworker is located both in the USA and Australia. On the other hand, expert recruiters are from the Philippines. They divided virtual social media managers into three categories based on experience, Intermediate, and Expert. Start pricing at $8 per hour. Business owners can choose their VAs based on budgets and requirements.

Learn more about their virtual social media services.

Why Should You Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?

A social media virtual assistant can save you time and offer more benefits to your business. There are two benefits you will receive by hiring a social media virtual assistant. Let’s have a look.


Hiring a full-time social media manager is more costly than a social media VA. For a better understanding, you can see the pricing plan and rates of a virtual assistant. That is much lower than a full-time social media manager, but a social media VA can do everything a social media manager does.

Not only in terms of salary but also no operational expenses for a social media VA. A social media VA works from their home space. You don’t need to pay for his/her internet connection, laptop, training, and other operational-related expenses. It has been estimated that hiring a virtual assistant can save up to 78% in operating costs per year.

Getting More Work Done

As a business owner, your first and foremost job is to grow your business. Managing social media, posting content from time to time, and keeping your business presence on social media is a burden for you.

After hiring a skilled social media VA, you can delegate all the tasks, and forget about social media, focus more on other aspects of your business to grow. You can spend more time analyzing and making a growth strategy for your business. A social media VA prepares himself/herself as a social media expert.

Of course you need to ensure that the VA you select has skills which align with your needs and workflow. So if your focus is on video content creation, you need someone who’s skilled at aspects of editing ranging from color grading to subtitle font choice. Don’t be afraid to ask these questions during hiring.

How to Manage Social Media Virtual Assistant?

Though your virtual assistant isn’t working from your office, you may think about how you can communicate, assign tasks, and track their working progress. In this modern time, many virtual assistant tools come to the front to solve this problem.

So, you don’t need to worry about it. You just need to select the best tools to manage and communicate with your VA.

You should use these three best tools to communicate properly and keep track of your social media virtual assistant.

1. ClickUp - Project and Task Management

ClickUp, for managing social media Virtual assistants

ClickUp is an agile project and task management software that can help you assign tasks or projects to your virtual assistant. You can set recurring tasks for your virtual assistant. ClickUp also offers-

  1. You can see the working status of your VA
  2. Set reminders and goals for each project or task
  3. Select the start date and end date

2. Slack- Communication or Messaging

Slack, for communicating with social media Virtual assistants

Slack is a widespread communication or instant messaging tool. You may already know that communication is the key to remote work. You need to maintain regular communication with your virtual assistant. Slack offers-

  1. Instant messaging
  2. One to one Audio call
  3. One to one Video call
  4. File sharing

You can use Skype or Zoom for video calling as well.

3. Apploye- Time tracking & Employee Monitoring

Apploye, for tracking and managing social media Virtual assistants

Apploye is a simple time-tracking tool for independent contractors or freelancers. You can keep track of the work progress and spend time on specific tasks. Apploye helps you to create payroll based on working hours. You can see where your virtual assistant is spending time while working. Apploye offers you-

  1. Online time tracking, billable and non-billable hours tracking,
  2. Customizable timesheet, offline tracking, daily, weekly, monthly review,
  3. Screenshots monitoring, Apps, and URL tracking,
  4. Productivity level monitoring, project, and task timer with tracking
  5. Comprehensive reports, payroll, and invoices


A social media virtual assistant engagement can be an important asset to your business. Stop killing your time and productivity by hiring a social media VA. So what are you waiting for?

Outsource a talented social media virtual assistant, delegate all social media to-do lists, and set goals for his/her that you want to achieve. After delegating all of your social media-related tasks, you will realize how much time you can save from social media and use it for your business growth.

I hope this article will help you to hire a talented social media virtual assistant.